How much GB worth of backup did a node transfer in the past 30 days:
SELECT cast(ENTITY as char(20)) as "Server",sum(cast(float(BYTES/1024/1024/1024) as dec(8))) as "GB" FROM summary WHERE activity='BACKUP' AND entity ='NODE_NAME' and end_time>current_timestamp-30 days group by ENTITY
How much GB worth of archive did a node transfer in the past 30 days:
SELECT cast(ENTITY as char(20)) as "Server",sum(cast(float(BYTES/1024/1024/1024) as dec(8))) as "GB" FROM summary WHERE activity='ARCHIVE' AND entity ='NODE_NAME' and end_time>current_timestamp-30 days group by ENTITY
Replace NODE_NAME with your actual node. You can also use "entity like '%%NODE_SUBSTRING%%' " if you require the report for multiple nodes that have similar extension. For example for all the nodes that have DB2 in the name, the select will look like:
SELECT cast(ENTITY as char(20)) as "Server",sum(cast(float(BYTES/1024/1024/1024) as dec(8))) as "GB" FROM summary WHERE activity='BACKUP' AND entity like '%%DB2%%' and end_time>current_timestamp-30 days group by ENTITY
This should answer questions like:
How much data did my DB2 nodes transfer in the past 30 days?
How much data did my Oracle nodes transfer in the past 30 days ?
How much data did my node transfer in the past 30 days ?
How much backed up data my node transferred in the past xx days?
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