Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Running time per node for Expire Inventory in TSM 6.x and 7.x

There are time when Expire inventory is running for a long time, and you want to find out which node or filespace is the culprit. The below Select statement, that runs on version 6x and higher, will give you a good start to find out how long expire inventory is running for each node:

SELECT cast(ENTITY as char(20)) as "Server",cast(START_TIME as char(19)) as "Start Time",cast(END_TIME as char(19)) as "End Time",TRANSLATE('a bc:de:fg', DIGITS(end_time-start_time), '_______abcdefgh_____',' ') as "ELAPTIME (D HHMMSS)" from summary where ACTIVITY='EXPIRATION' and START_TIME>current_timestamp-72 hours order by end_time,4

This will pick up all Expire run in the last 72 hours. Also it orders by end_time and then by delta. But if you want by start time, or just by delta modify the order. 

This should answer questions like:
Why is TSM Expire Inventory running for a long time?
How can I find out which Node TSM Expire Inventory spends most of the time?
How can I find TSM Expire Inventory details per node information?

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